How to Grow an Avocado Tree From a Seed


Growing an avocado tree from a seed requires very little effort! In just a few steps, you can grow an avocado tree from the seed of any avocado you find at the store. These avocado trees will not produce avocados, but they are beautiful plants that make an excellent addition to your indoor plant oasis.

Watch our video of growing an avocado tree from a seed here!

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Step 1: Take the pit out of the avocado.

First, you need to remove the pit from your avocado. You can do it with a knife, but some people prefer removing them with this avocado tool. Once the pit is out, wash it off so it is easier to hold. While it is drying for a few minutes, use your avocado to make avocado toast, add it to a salad, or eat it plain!

Step 2: Peel the skin off of the avocado pit.

Make sure you have a good grip on the pit, then use the tip of something sharp, like these toothpicks, to begin peeling the thin, brown skin off of the avocado pit. Make sure you remove all of the skin, as it will cause the pit to rot if not removed.

Step 3: Insert three toothpicks into the pointy side of the avocado pit.

Each avocado pit has a pointy side and a wider bottom. Locate the pointier side of the avocado pit, and insert three toothpicks at an angle.

Step 4: Put the avocado seed so it is slightly submerged in water in a cup.

Place the avocado seed in a cup (we use these because they are shallow) so the wider, bottom side is submerged in water while the top side is exposed to air. Add water.

Step 5: Change the water weekly and wait patiently until your avocado tree starts to grow!

In a few weeks, you will notice a crack beginning to form on the avocado pit. A few weeks after, you will see a tiny sprout coming from the middle of the pit. First, the root will grow down, and eventually a tree will begin growing up! This process can take many months, so be patient and continue to give it water while you wait.

Good luck growing your avocado tree from the seed!


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